Program Information 2021-2022
Young Women Impacting Neighborhoods Mentoring program is a program dedicated to girls ages 12-19. The purpose of this program is to provide young women and girls with the opportunity to learn and enhance on the necessary skills needed to ensure personal and professional success throughout their lives. The program runs from September-June and will focuse on different topics and hands on experiences. The WINning Life Skills Initiative is the key component to the program and emphasis is placed on the following topics:
Community Kindness & Charitable Giving- Provides participants the opportunity to serve their communities via various volunteer opportunities and fundraising efforts. It also exposes them to the joys of philanthropy and teaches them valuable skills in organizational fundraising. These experiences allow participants to leave a positive and lasting impact on society by providing kindness to those who need it most. All community kindness participation includes the earning of community service hours.
Innate/Life Skills Enhancement in relation to the following areas: Interpersonal & Social Skills, Financial Literacy, Goal Planning, Home Economics, Health & Wellness, Career Readiness and Communication & Conflict Resolution
Access to Mentors & Life Coaches
Summer employment and internship placement assistance
Scholarship opportunities and bonus incentives
In addition, seminars, workshops and other events are offered throughout the year focusing on all the topics described above.
Volunteerism and community outreach is a major part and requirement of the program. It includes the opportunity to participate in all community events and fundraisers hosted by the organization. Participants will be expected to attend and participate in all fundraiser events as fundraisers will assist the organization to continue to provide the offered workshops, seminars and scholarships within the program. Participation must participate in at least two fundraising events per year to remain active within the program.
Benefits to Participant
Each participant will be assigned a mentor which could be a staff member from the organization or other local business women and college students within the community.
Participants will also have access to a certified life coach or therapist if requested.
Participants will receive a YWIN welcome package containing beneficial items necessary for the program.*
Receive YWIN pins for participation in events, workshops and community events related to Team Building (White), Community Kindness (Gray), Fundraising (Green) and Social Skills (Purple). The more pins received from Community Kindness and Fundraising events, the more chances will be received to be awarded with various prize opportunities.
Participants will also be offered random opportunities to assist in pursuing their personal goals.
After successful completion of the program, participants will be eligible to receive a scholarship, letter of recommendation from the organization and
attend the end of year gala and/or exploration trip to award them for their contributions to the program and their productivity.
Participants Requirements
Submit application (paper copy or electronic version) along with a copy of their most recent report card and parent/guardian signature.
Submit parent/guardian consent form (paper copy or electronic version)
Attend mandatory orientation with parent/guardian (announced by staff after application is received).
Provide a copy of their school’s progress report and report card every time one is issued by the school. Reports must be signed by their parent. Grades must be satisfactory showing C’s or better for the duration of the program. If the participant’s grades are unsatisfactory at the time of enrollment, the participant and their assigned mentor will meet with the participant to explore ways to improve their grades.
Meet with their assigned mentor at least 4 times in a year. Meetings can be one on one or scheduled to occur at any of WIN’s events.
If a PDF version of this information is needed, please click here to download a copy.