Saturday, September 9, 2023
Perry Park-Wellman Field
6801 SW 34th Street
Miramar, Florida 33023
Did you know that Suicide is one of the leading causes of death? According to the Center for Disease and Control, Suicide is defined as “the injuring of oneself with the intent to die and is a serious health problem”. In 2021, Suicide accounted for over 48,000 deaths which averages to just about a single report every 11 minutes.
Women Impacting Neighborhoods, Inc., has partnered with United Way of Broward County to host a Suicide Prevention Kick Ball Day of Hope on September 9, 2023. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness to the preventable suicide strategies available to individuals within the Broward County community. We seek to engage individuals, schools, businesses, and other organizations to develop kickball teams to assist us in raising awareness and promote healthy and safe relationships within our community.
The event will call attention to individual, relationship, community, and societal risk factors and facilitate partnerships to provide support for managing triggers. The event will also inform of threatening circumstances and advise of best practices to reduce instances of death. WIN’s actionable strategies will include affording women, children and men resources like counseling, emergency assistance and more to mitigate risk factors, discourage suicide and accomplish wellbeing. Mental health counselors will serve as co-captains to encourage and empower their teams during the kickball game.
Teams will consist of 8-10 players max and the team captain should register for their own team. If you would like to form a team but do not have 8 players, register with as many players as possible. Any individually registered players will be added to incomplete teams team by the event organizer. Final details of your team will be provided once the team has been completely formed.
There is no charge to play or watch the game.
Bring your chairs because spectators and cheerleaders are needed!
There will also be a live DJ, vendors and bounce houses for the kiddos. Come out and enjoy the fun!
Registration begins at 9:00am; games will begin promptly at 10:00am.